“Billie Eilish reveals herself to be out of the closet! Dropped 10w fans overnight ….

It’s no surprise guys, Nike’s own daughter and weird girl Billie Eilish has actually come out of the closet…

Last week, Billie Eilish talked about coming out in an interview with Variety, suddenly revealing that she’s been out of the closet for a long time, as well as exclaiming that people don’t even realize it…shocker ……

In the interview Beyoncé reveals her attraction to women for the first time, saying that she is easily mesmerized by them, read the details for yourselves.

As soon as this happened, Beyoncé’s social media dropped 100,000 followers, but mostly because her behavior turned off her fans, after all, who didn’t know that she used to say “Straight as a ruler”.

Beyoncé also followed up with a cryptic post blaming Variety magazine, “Thank you Variety for honoring me with an award and for letting me walk down the red carpet at 11 a.m. instead of talking to me about anything else that matters, I like boys and girls, leave me alone please.”

Well, for all you fans out there, it wasn’t too long ago that Beyoncé was rumored to be in a low-key relationship with tattoo artist David Enth, and it was also revealed by the media that the two were dating multiple times.

But soon Beyoncé herself came down and debunked the rumor, saying she’s still single.

But an earlier brief romance with ex-boyfriend The Neifhbourhood frontman Jesse Rutherford was pretty high-profile.

With that in mind, so it’s only normal for fans to not be able to accept it for a while this time around when Billie Pear directly announced that she’s been out of the closet for a long time. Many netizens also questioned it as rubbing the LGBT community the wrong way to build momentum for her upcoming new album.

But Bili has always been a quirky character, and it doesn’t seem to be a surprise that she did what she did. Anyway, respect the blessing!