Raid Alert! Apple ‘Vision Pro’ goes on sale early! Quantity + Price Revealed…

Apple officials suddenly announced that the much-anticipated Vision Pro will officially go on sale on the 27th of this month! It’s straight up almost a month earlier than previously expected, so the big shipments are basically already in mass production~

Apple officials suddenly announced that the much-anticipated Vision Pro will officially go on sale on the 27th of this month! It’s straight up almost a month earlier than previously expected, so the big shipments are basically already in mass production~

According to known information, the supply chain for the Vision Pro comes from SONY and China, and the Chinese supply chain has been boosted by about 60%.

So it also means that the production speed of Vision Pro and the number of products is very dependent on Chinese manufacturers.

Well, but in previous reports Apple has made it clear that this product will be sold in the U.S. on a priority basis! So as to when exactly the Vision Pro will be available in China, it will depend on the exact allocation of stock and Apple’s operations.

As well as the Vision Pro is only expected to produce around 40w units this year based on previous speculation about it… (* The earliest said it was cut to 15w)

According to this trend, even if the price is as high as nearly 25,000 yuan, it is estimated that the situation is also the situation of many wolves and fewer meat, “electronic Maotai” situation or will appear, the probability of premiums can not be avoided…

And about this pair of cool ski goggles Vision Pro, you fruit fans must have more or less understand, Vision Pro will be launched as Apple’s most important new product line at present, from the price as well as the R & D positioning can be seen in its far beyond the rank of the iPhone.

Apple CEO Cook said that the Vision Pro will replace the iPhone as another major innovation in artificial intelligence in the last 10 years.

So with about 20 days to go before the official launch this month, get ready to get your hands dirty, and look forward to seeing how the production Vision Pro performs in the hands of users…