Be careful! “Takuya Kimura washed his jeans bought for 40w live, and he called out: ‘Kimura’s juice’ was extracted, like hot pot soup…

We all know that Takuya Kimura loves to wear denim, right? Today’s post will definitely impress you more…

Takuya Kimura, the OG of Japanese fashion and representative of Amekaki, has recently updated his Youtube video with a dreamy collaboration with Yu Fujiwara, the “God of Denim”.

The latest store visit video, Kimura Takuya carrying a large bag of his own original Vintage jeans to Fujiwara Yu’s vintage store BERBERJIN , the two first to give the audience a wave of knowledge of cattle, after taking out the Kimura previously re-brush pulp LEVI’S 501XX, limited to 80 sets , quite rare.

The reasoning everyone understands, can stand up on their own jeans, generally ruthless.

This was followed by a strange “ritual” of manually creating “cat whiskers” and “honeycomb” textures, a part that was a bit too specialized, let’s just say it wasn’t easy to get into.

In addition, Takuya Kimura casually carried a bag of his own Vintage denim pieces ready for a professional first cleaning, and Yu Fujiwara briefly estimated a wave of a shopping bag valued at 10 million yen (about 466,000 yuan)…

These include a special edition denim jacket and a rainbow line model 501XX with a life expectancy of over 75 years, with the cheapest price tag at around 140,000 RMB, Takuya Kimura’s strength as a top collector is thoroughly exposed.

The final cleaning session is an invitation to millions of fans to witness the embarrassing moments of Takuya Kimura, three original epic tannin singles for the first time to clean, soaked in water in just a few minutes into the murky yellow water, the effect is amazing.

The man himself spoke with embarrassment, “So much mud and dirt washed out and rubbed out Kimura juice, as if he had shabu shabu hot pot soup base with beef shabu twice.”

Brother, the guys are still eating hot pot later, why don’t we change the description.

As you all know, Takuya Kimura is a veteran of the trend, and a big player in the bull game. He was the first artist to win Japan’s “Best Jeanist” award for five consecutive years, from 1994-1998.

The reigning momentum prompted the Japan Jeans Association to create a hall, invited Kimura to join, and only since then no longer participate in the selection of the award, can only be said to be invincible.

The influence of Takuya Kimura’s dressing when he was young spread all over Asia, and coupled with his obsession with denim, he was valued by Levi’s as the face of Asia in 2000, which at one point led to a vintage craze.

In addition to the tip of the iceberg pulled out in this program, more of his own heavyweight denim collection is completely uncountable.

For example, the Levi’s 70505 BigE Type3 Trucker jacket that Takuya Kimura wore from his youth to his 50’s, with its double pockets on the front, arrowhead pocket flaps, V-shaped stitching, and the classic double-adjustable buckle on the back, belongs to the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top of the top.

This 70505 BigE was only produced between 1967 and 1968 in very small quantities, but with a current secondary market price of around $1,000, it’s also the most affordable denim item in Kimura’s closet.

Another denim jacket that wears a wrap is from SubCulture’s replica of the Great War version of S506XX, almost to the point of being welded to the body.

Under the bandwagon of Japanese trendsetter Takuya Kimura, several denim items launched by the brand were once hyped up to a price of around 37,000 yuan…

There is also a Nissan Patch King – LVC66501 Minami Aoyama Limited, 2003, released in a limited edition of only 100, the patch and white paint design is quite colorful, Kimura Daijin many times in the early years of the body, the auction price of all the broken ten thousand yuan.

There’s also a 92 Nissan LVC 70502XX Type1 denim jacket in bare ear fabric from the year’s show and on the show, which is also quite rare.

In addition to denim singles, Kimura Takuya also directly promote Goros into the public’s field of vision, and even have a “Kimura Set” named after him. One of the gold eagle + all gold turquoise feather + all gold eagle claw feather collocation has already broken a million, to bring a Ferrari on the neck at least base manipulation just ~ ~

Over the years, private clothing is not less on the body Supreme and Crocus singles, people to the middle age is still tide to rheumatism.

We’ll see what else Kimura-san, who has long since realized the freedom to play with fashion, will show off in the future.